Hello! Let’s sort and re-arrange reality in humorous ways to cause shifts in perception.
How do we want to live, work, and simply be?
I am an author, educator, artist, designer, meditation teacher, and consultant for well-being in arts and culture.
I write about contemporary artistic practices, multi-sensory aesthetic experiences, participation in the museum, personal and organisational development, and the pursuit of happiness in my everyday life in creative non-fiction vignettes “the ones”.
At the end of the day, I am most interested in exploring how to apply meditation as a radical feminist practice, along with my passions for birds, travel, and innovative change processes.
How to make knowledge accessible and relevant in a digital-first world , Knowledge Transfer Lab – November 20 and 21, 2024, Übersee Museum Bremen
Digitisation offers many opportunities for institutions to share their knowledge with the communities they serve. However, trying to keep up with the different platforms and technologies is an expensive and never-ending process. With Abhay Adhikari, Etta Grotrian, Dorothée King, Kajsa Hartig, Sarah Gillett, Stacy Kokaua-balfour.
Kargin, Fatma; King, Dorothée; Savic, Selena: Teaching Artistic Strategies: Playing with Materiality, Aesthetics, and Ambiguity, transcript, 2024.
Artistic strategies have a great transformative potential to improve research, teaching, and artistic expression. The contributors to this volume show how to unleash this potential by presenting a variety of epistemological experiments at the intersection of artistic research, pedagogy, and innovative practices in art and design education.
My animal alter egos are asking questions these days…
I use these times to reflect on different thoughts, listen to my inner voices, and why not consider connections beyond ourselves, including interspecies dialogue. Through drawing and the use of colours, I explore simple, creative ways to engage with philosophical ideas.
The One with the irreversible Cut
On Tuesday, November 4, 2024, the day before the election, I already feel jittery. I try to follow my usual self-care routine. I play Satie on the piano to fill my ears with calming tunes. I draw animals to reconnect with my people. I practice yoga to center myself. But nothing calms me down.
Speak Up and Lead, Participant, 2024
Digital Storytelling Lab Folkestone Participant, 2024