I offer experimental perspectives on creative wellbeing in arts and culture. My (hopefully) intelligent inputs and mindfulness interventions are humorous invitations to creatively shape one's own life and (team-)work environment, to learn from the arts, and to engage in dialogue with your communities at eye level.
Feel free to reach out for speaking gigs. Check out a selection of the latest talks below.
Knowledge Transfer Lab, Übersee Museum Bremen, Nov 20-21, 2024
How to make knowledge accessible and relevant in a digital-first world , Knowledge Transfer Lab – November 20 and 21, 2024, Übersee Museum Bremen
Digitisation offers many opportunities for institutions to share their knowledge with the communities they serve. However, trying to keep up with the different platforms and technologies is an expensive and never-ending process. With Abhay Adhikari, Etta Grotrian, Dorothée King, Kajsa Hartig, Sarah Gillett, Stacy Kokaua-balfour.
New Narratives @ Mean[IN]gful digital inclusion, September 20, 2024, Uni Leeds
New Narratives @ Mean[IN]gful digital inclusion, September 20, 2024, Uni Leeds
We were invited to give an insight into our New Narratives workshop: Promoting refugee & asylum seeker civic participation through third sector capability building, we held with fantastic institutions in Folkestone
Dr Abhay Adhikari, Founder of Digital Identities (Project Lead)
Professor Dorothée King, Head of Department Arts and Design Education, Academy for Arts and Design, Basel
Diane Dever, interdisciplinary artist/curator/producer, Folkestone Fringe
Dr Victoria Betton Founder of PeopleDotCom
Dozentin werden?
Dozentin an einer Fachhochschule werden? Wenn Du Dich für diesen Karriereweg interessierst, informiere Dich an unserer Event-Reihe und lerne Deine Möglichkeiten kennen. Die Workshops «KarriereStart Fachhochschuldozentin» fand im September 2024 statt.
Digital Identities 4 - Folkestone Edition - New Narratives:promoting refugee & asylum seeker civic participation through storytelling
New Narratives is a digital storytelling programme which aims to create a cross-sector approach to refugee and asylum seeker civic participation in Folkestone. We’ll explore concepts such as empathy, inclusion and how we can reach communities to have constructive and meaningful conversations. You’ll also formulate a practical experiment(s) that connect to your organisation’s goals and/or an existing project over four months after the lab.
Digital Identities 3 - Re-Imagening the Storyteller
As we continue to innovate in audience development, how should our internal practices evolve?
A 2-day workshop with strategic impulses, Q&A with international experts and a premiere of a new story show.
14. - 15. November 2023, at Hessischer Rundfunk, co-hosted with Abhay Adhikari
Artistic Literacy
Today I talked about my conditioning education program “Artistic Literacy”. “Artistic Literacy” opens up new perspectives on one's own educational, communicative, and artistic activities and opens up doors to shaping of our cultural world with others. Participants are introduced to artistic, communicative, and educational strategies. They acquire the ability to make creative encounters effective for social processes. The topics offered integrate methods from the fields of communication, digitality, fine arts, design, art education and participatory practices.
Intuitive Artistic Research
13.30-15:30, April 14, 2023
Postgrad Program Materialities; energies
Royal Academy of Arts and Design Stockholm
In this humorous and intentionally distant-to-science workshop, we take the freedom to leave out current trends in research and artistic production. Instead, the participants are invited to engage with their own state of not-knowing and transform it into a self-aware stance. We do not ask ourselves what to do. We practice trust in our own intuition. How do we as individuals and as a group actually want to evolve in the future? This workshop is for all people who want to humorously employ more meaning, purpose, and foremost pleasure into their individual and joint academic and artistic lives.
Ästhetische Erfahrung durch Atmung - Politische Kunst erleben durch die Nase
Ästhetische Erfahrung durch Atmung - Politische Kunst erleben durch die Nase
Université 8, Paris
département d’études germaniques
Séminaire commun 2022-23 : Sixième sens et quatrième dimension : sensorialités, arts et esthétique
March 17, 2023
Digital Identities
How do we remain relevant to our audiences? A 2-day workshop exploring the convergence of digital storytelling and inclusion at the Institute Arts and Design Education (IADE), 15. - 16. February 2023, facilitated with Abhay Adhikari
Intuitives Forschen. Intuitives Lehren und Vermitteln
Intuitives Forschen. Intuitives Lehren und Vermitteln
FORSCHUNGSWERKSTATT: PhD-Programm Art and Design Education, Zurich Academy of Arts and Design, Zurich, Switzerland
Nicht erst seit der Zunahme von Doktoratsprogrammen an Kunsthochschulen wird über vermeintlich richtige Strategien und Methoden in der kunst-basierten und designnahen Forschung spekuliert (vgl. z. B. Tröndle, Warmers, 2012). In diesem humoristischen und bewusst wissenschaftlich-fernen Workshop erlauben wir uns aktuelle Strömungen in Forschung und Lehre auszublenden. Stattdessen sind die Teilnehmenden eingeladen sich auf den eigenen Zustand des Nicht-Wissens einzulassen und diesen in eine selbstbewusste Haltung zu transformieren. Wir fragen uns nicht, was wir tun sollen. Wir üben uns in Vertrauen. Wie wollen wir forschen, lehren, und vermitteln?
Dozentin werden?
Dozentin an einer Fachhochschule werden? Wenn Du Dich für diesen Karriereweg interessierst, informiere Dich an unserer Event-Reihe und lerne Deine Möglichkeiten kennen. Die Workshops «KarriereStart Fachhochschuldozentin» haben vom 6. bis 8. September 2022 stattgefunden.
Put On Your Oxygen Mask First: Prioritizing Self-Care for Arts and Museum Professionals
The ARCS Education Programming Sub-Committee is hosting a well-being webinar series aimed at developing skills in self-care and self-advocacy for museum professionals. The 2-part series will include:
Part 1: Put On Your Oxygen Mask First: Prioritizing Self-Care for Arts and Museum Professionals
Speaker: Dorothée King
Intuitive Research, intuitive Teaching
Teaching Artistic Strategies: Playing with Materiality, Aesthetics, and Ambiguity 23 – 26 May 2022, Institute Arts and Design Education (IADE) X MAKE/SENSE Ph.D. Program (IXDM), FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Basel, Switzerland
Mindfulness and Meditation – Self-Care and Being Digital in the Arts
Mindfulness and Meditation – Self-Care and Being Digital in the Arts
Well-Being at the Museum starts with us OR Tall Poppies at the Museum
MuseumNext: Museums, Health & WellbeingSummit, 31 January - 2 February 2022.
A chain is always as strong as its weakest link. A museum is only as strong as the individuals working for the museum. When each and every individual is seen, valued, and supported in their own organization; if we all contribute with our individual talents and goals, the organization will develop strengthened and authentically, and all our partners will benefit.
Deep Listening
Deep Listening, Intro-Talk at “Queer at FHNW”, Basel, Switzerland, December 2021
A university is often a place of questions and answers, the right answers. We are used to research, talking, writing, passing on knowledge, absorbing knowledge, and reproducing knowledge. One quality that sometimes falls short is deep listening.
Olfactory Art and Feeling at Home
Olfactory Art and Feeling at Home
Breath and the Arts, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 2020
Breakfast Club
During the first Corona Lockdown in spring 2020, I set up a Youtube Channel to make us smile, move, and shift our perception magically, every single day: Check out the videos here: Lockdown 2020 Youtube Channel
Interaktion, Mindfulness Lecture Performance
Interaktion, MIndfulness Lecture Performance with Radek Rudnicki, 2020
Smartplaces, 3rd Annual Conference, Dortmund, Dortmunder U, Germany,
See and listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDhc0O7qo5A&t=688s
How to overcome digital anxiety
Lecture performance coaching session, ELIA Academy, Annual Conference in Stuttgart, Germany, 2019