Working as a coach and mentor, I build and lead joyful multi-generational and multi-disciplinary teams in museums, cultural institutions, and art schools. My focus is well-being and fulfillment at the workplace. I support you to strengthen individual skills and talents. I make space for radical honesty to come up with out-of-the-box constellations for innovative project teams.

As a life coach and Playing Big Facilitator, I guide you toward your individual potential and unique resources.  Based on my own international leadership experience with groups of 4 to 150 people, I support healthy structures, in which everybody, no matter age or background, flourishes. As an artist, I bring the spirit of experimentation, exploration, and boundary-pushing. With the sharp eye of a designer, I support you to sort all necessary elements into an innovative and attractive structure. The educator in me opens up possibilities for sustainable next steps. With teachings from my own lived meditation and yoga practice, I invite you to enjoy your spirituality in the Now.

Clients, e.g.: Übersee Museum Bremen, Fonds Soziokultur, European Space Agency, Zurich University of the Arts, Stockholm Royal Art Academy, private clients…

Send an email for bookings.

Digital Identities
2-Day workshop

Co-Hosted with Abhay Adhikari and speakers

(Clients: e.g. University of Arts Basel, Hessischer Rundfunk, Include+ University of Leeds, Folkestone, Übersee Museum Bremen, Museum für Moderne Kunst Salzburg)

Speak Up and Lead
2-Day or weekend workshop

Next date Nov 15-17,2024
University of Arts and Design, Basel, Switzerland

In «Speak Up and Lead» wirst Du lernen, auf das zu hören, was wirklich wichtig ist. Du wirst üben, wie Du Deine inneren Kritiker:innen beruhigen kannst, um Dich als die Person zu zeigen, die Du wirklich bist, Deine Arbeit angemessen zu präsentieren und Dich zu äussern, wenn es darauf ankommt. Du wirst Dich mit Deiner inneren Mentorin verbinden. Wir werden überholte Vorstellungen von Karrieren loslassen, um stattdessen wahre Callings zu verstehen. Du wirst lernen, wie Du die «Good Girl»-Angewohnheiten verstehen und umwandeln kannst, um Deine Superkräfte direkter in Dein Leben und Deinen Arbeitsalltag zu bringen.  

Anstatt Dich zu verstecken, wirst Du verstehen, wie Du kommunizieren kannst, um gesehen und gehört zu werden. In diesem Workshop wirst Du üben ins Tun zu kommen und mit Deinen Zielgruppen in Kontakt zu kommen, um Deine Ziele schneller und zugleich zu erreichen.

 «Speak Up and Lead» basiert auf Selbstreflexion, zentrierenden Meditationen und Visualisierungsübungen, realem Führungswerkzeug, Austausch in Kleingruppen, realem èben von Verhandlungssituationen – und bietet zugleich einen Vorrat an Leichtigkeit und Humor

 «Speak Up and Lead» ist für alle Frauen, die ihr Leben und ihre Karriere in die eigene Hand nehmen und verändern wollen.

«Speak Up and Lead» richtet sich besonders an uns, die wir in Kunst, Gestaltung, Kultur oder Medien arbeiten. Denn gerade in diesen Bereichen sind wir mit unseren ganzen Persönlichkeiten gefragt und daher besonders stark, involviert und zugleich verletzlich.

Speak your Truth:
Module 1:
Dealing with Inner Critics
Module 2: Outer Mentor vs Inner Mentor
Module 3: Callings = Gift Goals vs Should Goals
Speak Up:
Module 4: Deal with praise, feedback and criticism
Module 5: Leave good girl habits behind
How to Lead:
Module 6: My Values and Activities
Module 7: Let’s Leap!
Module 8: Leading is Relationship Work
Module 9: Negotiations are a Spiritual Practice
Module 10: How you get there is how you will be there: Tipps and Tricks

Please send me an email to ask about next dates or book this workshop for your institution.

(Clients: Art School Basel, Monte Verita, private clients…)

Intuitive Research. Intuitive Teaching.
3-h workshop

Not only since the increase of doctoral programs at art colleges, has there been speculation about supposedly correct strategies and methods in art-based and design-related research (cf. Tröndle, Warmers, 2012). In this humorous and intentionally distant-to-science workshop, we take the freedom to leave out current trends in research and teaching. Instead, the participants are invited to engage with their own state of not-knowing and transform it into a self-aware stance. We do not ask ourselves what to do. We practice trust in our own intuition. How do we actually want to research, teach, and communicate?

This workshop is for all people who want to humorously employ more meaning, purpose, and foremost fun into their academic and professional lives.

Please send me an email to ask about next dates or book this workshop for your institution.

(Clients: Zurich School for Arts and Design, Royal Art Academy Stockholm, Basel Academy of Arts and Design…)

Mindfulness Interventions
1day visits at institutions

I am here to support you to play big: to develop yourself, your work life, and your team. I support healthy leadership structures, where everybody flourishes.

As a meditation and yoga teacher, I invite you to establish equanimity and acceptance of the presence, and at at same time awareness of current needs and possibilities. I will focus on well-being and fulfilment at the workplace, strengtheningindividual skills and talents, and making space for out-of-the-box constellations - and foremost finding fun again in what you are doing.

Specialities are Culture + Co-production, Inclusion/Diversity and Community development.

Please send me an email to book this workshop for yourself or your institution.

(Clients: Kulturform Witten, Dortmunder U, Kunstverein Cuxhaven, Projektlabor, Fonds Soziokultur, Nordmetall Stiftung, Deutsches Museum…)

I do what I want, not what I want to want
4hour personal consultations on career choices

Take your time to dive deep in your personal smile-enhancing to-do-lists, set up your personal not-to-do-lists, connect to inner mentors and outer role models, combine your interests and your strengths, find a way to live your up-dated version of your childhood dreams, and make peace with the treasure you are anyways.

Together we work out a plan for the crucial next steps.

On- or offline offering for open individuals.

Please send me an email to book this workshop for yourself or a loved one.

(Individual Clients from around the globe)