Wellbeing at the workplace
Meaning Making, Deutsches Museum, Munich, Germany, 2021
Listen to the podcast: https://soundcloud.com/user-593363640/meaning-making-2-episode-2-wellbeing
We are back with Season 2 of our Meaning Making programme. After each episode we create a podcast to summarize our discussions.
In episode 2 we have dedicated ourselves to the topic of well-being. We asked ourselves to what extent our own well-being plays a role when it comes to becoming good digital storytellers. Many work situations have changed in the last few months and we take time to reflect on what this means for the future and how to initiate changes in the work environment. In the second part, we will look at how we deal with the question of being responsible for the well-being of our viewers and visitors and how this influences storytelling.
Hosts: Abhay Adhikari & Andrea Geipel
Guests: Dorothée King & Amanda Aronczyk
Production: Ralph Würschinger
Illustrations: Azam Masoumzadeh
Music: Joseph McDade
This programme is hosted by the Deutsches Museum. For more details: digital.deutsches-museum.de/blog/regist…s-now-open/