Well-Being at the Museum starts with us OR Tall Poppies at the Museum

MuseumNext: Museums, Health & Wellbeing Summit, 31 January - 2 February 2022

A chain is always as strong as its weakest link. A museum is only as strong as the individuals working for the museum. When each and every individual is seen, valued and supported in their own organization; if we all contribute with our individual talents and goals, the organization will develop strengthened and authentically, and all our partners will benefit.

In such an atmosphere, everybody grows beyond the structures of the organization, and simultaneously enjoys JOMO (Joy of Missing Out). Instead of trend hopping inside and outside the museum, everybody contributes with their own skills and interests in authentic strength.

This talk is for everybody, who works and leads in a museum environment. I will show how individuals daring to step out of giving paths, will not only personally develop, but also bring their open-mindedness into their museums. I promote the idea to see museums as spaces, where each and every individual should feel seen, valued, and supported in their own organization, where each and every individual with their characteristics, talents, and goals should contribute. I promote the museum as a space for fulfillment at the workplace. That demands for radical honesty: Am I doing what makes me flow? Am I working at the right end? When we all contribute authentically, our organization will develop strengthened and authentically, and all its partners will benefit from it.


Mindfulness and Meditation – Self-Care and Being Digital in the Arts


Deep Listening