Digital Identities 4 - Folkestone Edition - New Narratives:promoting refugee & asylum seeker civic participation through storytelling
What is New Narratives?
New Narratives is a digital storytelling programme which aims to create a cross-sector approach to refugee and asylum seeker civic participation in Folkestone. We’ll explore concepts such as empathy, inclusion and how we can reach communities to have constructive and meaningful conversations. You’ll also formulate a practical experiment(s) that connect to your organisation’s goals and/or an existing project over four months after the lab.
How does it work?
New Narratives aims to build a network of cross-sector organisations working with refugees and asylum seekers that wish to develop digital storytelling capability to enhance and extend how they support civic participation amongst their clients.
We will do this through a two day digital storytelling lab in May which allows participants to re-imagine refugee and asylum seeker civic participation. Each participant will create and deliver a creative plan to elevate migrant voices and counter fake news and misinformation in local communities and the wider public.
New Narratives is brought to you by a partnership between the following collaborators:
Dorothée King - Head of Department Arts and Design Education, Academy for Arts and Design, Basel
Diane Dever - Founder Folkestone Fringe, Urban Room Folkestone, interdisciplinary artist/curator/producer is interested in notions of civic and public
Abhay Adhikari - founder of Digital Identities, a global programme to create new models of engagement and social impact
Victoria Betton - founder of PeopleDotCom, with expertise in people-centred design supporting digital transformation for social impact.
How is it funded? The initiative is funded by the INCLUDE+ which is a network exploring how social and digital environments can be built, shaped and sustained to enable all people to thrive. The five-year programme of activities (2022-2027) will build a knowledge community around in/equalities in digital society that will comprise industry, academia, the public and third sectors in response to the UKRI Equitable Digital Society theme.