The One with Mary
At the church of Corbusier in Grandchamp the colors shine in and out of the building. The building looks like an UFO and a goddess at the same time. There are no glass paintings in the traditional sense. There are art brut flowers and writings. We do not have to see a picture of Mary. It is enough to read her written name and imagine her. Marie – brilliante comme le soleil is more than enough to create your own images and feelings within yourself. I am reminded of the mantra SriKrishnaSharanamMama. This simple Sanskrit sentence means something like I take refuge in my own personal god, in something that I imagine as God. I take refuge in something that is the holiest for me. Your own imagination is that was is holy. Atman. I am God, we are God. Everything starts flowing when we open up to God. As long as we try to force it through whatever behavior, whatever image, it will always be a struggle. Simple writings are more than enough. Marie – brilliante comme le soleil. God manifests into shiny moms, like me.